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Anonymous warns Ferguson police and KKK in new video: ‘We are the law now’

A Video reportedly released by the hacker collective Anonymous on Thursday warned both police in Ferguson, Missouri and the Ku Klux Klan against hurting local demonstrators, The Free Thought Project reported.

“To the KKK and police: be peaceful or you will feel the consequences,” the video stated. “To the protesters: do not be afraid. We are here for you and will protect and serve you. We are the law now.”

The video came in response to a message attributed to Frank Ancona, the leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK, threatening to “hunt down” Anonymous members.

“You’ll be strung up next to the chimps,” the KKK’s message stated. “On display for the whole world to see. The Klan is to be feared, not threatened. Turn away, or face the consequences.

The exchange of threats is the latest round in the dispute between the two groups. Anonymous has already taken control of the Klan’s Twitter account and revealed the identities of KKK members living near Ferguson and St. Louis. Anonymous later expanded its campaign to include other white-supremacist websites.

Ancona’s group has already threatened protesters with “lethal force,” and he was seemingly caught suggesting to MSNBC host Chris Hayes last week that Klan members had been speaking to local police “off the record.” In his latest letter, he states that his group paid off Anonymous members to learn the identities of the people behind the “OpKKK” attacks.

“Your attempts of as you call it ‘doxxing’ on official members of the Klan mean nothing,” Ancona’s letter states. “We’re not trying to hide, and you’re posting information that is public on the web. We don’t care. But you, you’re hiding behind pathetic masks, trying your best to disable to the Klan, which will never happen.”

Anonymous said in the video that it took Ancona’s letter as a “direct threat” on their members’ lives.

“If you attempt to aid the police, just know that there are more of us out there than there are of you,” the video states. “But you will not know who we are. We are everywhere. We are among the protesters, and we are among you.”

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