Chris Rock Calls DJ Envy An Asshole

Chris Rock made his debut on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club to talk about his self-directed film Top Five. Though they chopped it up about the movie, it wouldn’t be a proper Chris Rock conversation if they didn’t talk about the state of racial relations, especially with the Eric Garner and Mike Brown decision. DJ Envy was noticeably missing after refusing to be there to interview Rock due to a clash they had at their daughters’ basketball team. Read and watch the sit-down to see why he and Envy are at odds, how Karlie Redd got a role in Top Five and more.
Top Five is due in theaters Dec. 12th.
Chris Rock and DJ Envy’s beef
“He’s an asshole that guy. Envy coaches his daughter’s team. His daughter’s good then there’s another girl on the team that’s like Shaq or whatever. She’s ridiculous. They’re beating my daughter’s team by like 40. There’s three minutes in the game. Take Shaq out, you know? I’m not saying lose the game, but money come on! Let the girls who don’t normally play get a chance but he kept Shaq in the whole game!” Rock says that after the game Envy said his team wanted a picture and he responded “No. You’re coach is an asshole.”
Top Five And Karlie Redd’s Role
“I’m not a movie star. I’m a guy that’s in movies. It’d be nice to have a signature movie. I don’t have a signature movie of ones that I starred in. New Jack City is a signature. The Grown Upsmovie’s a hit. I’ve been in hits…I need you you to feel the way you feel about I Think I Love My Wife but also have a hit…I think I got it on this one…Karlie Redd (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta) is in the funniest scene in the movie. Karlie Redd’s nude in the movie. She auditioned. I had never seen the show. She was just really good for the part.”
On Eric Garner and Mike Brown
“Nothing I say is going to be new and revolutionary. I don’t like to be boring. The real question is “How come no white guys ever get shot? It doesn’t appear to be that common.”