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Uncle Murda & Maino Goes Under Fire For the Hands Up Video

The rap video "Hands Up!" featuring rappers Maino and Uncle Murda has gone viral, but it's the videos message that has many people up in arms. The video basically encourages people to kill police officers in retribution to what happened to Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The video portrays the recurring image of an actor dressed as a police officer with two guns pointed at his head, and some of the lyrics even encourage that type of behavior.

"For Mike Brown and Sean Bell, a cop gotta be killed," the song says.

Rap lyrics are oftentimes anti-law enforcement, but many are enraged by the video actually encouraging people to go about shooting an officer.

When asked about the video's message, residents of one Bronx neighborhood were torn.

“I don't agree with people in the streets saying they should shoot cops, there is still good cops out there,” one man on the street commented.

“If we were on the other side of the gun it would be a problem. I just feel like there's no justice involved,” another added.

The Police Benevolent Association, also known as the police union, said they're going to forward the video to local police who will open an investigation and possible bring charges against those responsible for promoting this video. Part of the statement they issued said:

“This video goes well beyond the parameters for protected speech and constitutes a serious threat to the lives of police officers.”

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