Drake Will Not Receive Public Funding for OVO Fest

So about a year ago Drake’s OVO Fest received about $300,000 from the government. Which is a GREAT Profit, but this year it will not receive anything at all. Hop into the post to find out why!
So In Drake’s home of Canada , there is an organization that funds numerous different festivals and events called ‘Celebrate Ontario’ right in Toronto. In recent weeks it has been announced that Drake’s annual two-day concert ” OVO fest ” will not receive and public funding via its exclusion on a list that will receive money from taxpayers.
While setting up the event, the application used to acquire public support specifies that events that are awarded grant money must show an “Increase in attendance and geographic reach,” “in tourist visitation and expenditures,” and an effort to “improve in quality and sustainability.” Apparently OVO Fest did not meet these standards.
Therefore, is about to be slow for Drake’s pockets at OVO fest.
August 2nd is the slated date for this years OVO Fest and it will feature Big Sean, YG , Jeremih , J.Cole , Kevin Hart , some more surprise guests that have yet to be announced!
You think we could expect some Young Money artists to show up ? Would be pleasant, but not really a surprise.