Did CBC News Put Stephanie Clattenburg Up to This???

Snoop Dogg’s recent interview in Truro, Novia Scotia has some Canadians upset. The creator of the 2015 album Bush made comments about a female camera person that left both her and her co-worker uncomfortable
“I like your camera girl, too. She’s thick. ” said Snoop about the woman behind the camera. “Damn, I wasn’t even looking down. Now I’m forced to look down at the camera… Look at the sh*t on that critter.”
Stephanie Clattenburg of CBC was asked about the California native’s reaction to her figure. She admitted her opinion on the situation changed over time.
“It was creepy and awkward, but I just laughed it off, stated Clattenburg. “Then later on I realized, why does he get a free pass because he’s a rapper?
Clattenburg’s colleague, reporter Elizabeth McMillan, also addressed Snoop’s comments, “It was uncomfortable. In retrospect I wish I handled it differently. But it felt like a no-win situation. So I just gritted my teeth and tried to get through.”
Some news outlets in Canada and individuals on social media are criticizing Snoop for making what they call sexist comments and perpetuating male dominance over two women. Snoop Dogg has yet to respond. He was in Nova Scotia filming episodes for the Trailer Park Boys.
“Just because I expect it doesn’t mean I have to accept it,” added Clattenburg.