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Sean Hannity Compares Rap Music To Confederate Flag, Wants 50 Cent, Jay Z Albums Banned


In what can only be described as another low moment for conservative media, Sean Hannity has decided to compare two very different realms — the Confederate flag and hip-hop music.

During his radio show this week, the FOX host touched on the topic of the Confederate flag. Major retailershave vowed to stop selling the flag due to accused Charleston gunman Dylann Roof‘s veneration of the symbol and its connection to racism. Hannity, who says he doesn’t care about the Confederate flag, then suggested that Walmart, Sears, and Amazon should also stop selling hip-hop music.

Why? Because…reaching.

Hannity goes on to generalize hip-hop music, stating that artists like Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, and 50 Cent viciously use the n-word and objectify women in their lyrics. You know, the same rappers who in the past have bailed Ferguson protesters out of jail, raised money for inner city children for over a decade, andprovided grants to non-profits serving low-income communities.

He also compared the Confederate flag, which once stood for the continuation of slavery and dismissal of civil rights, to a genre of music built on combatting the injustices of those same views.

But we digress.

The Independent reports Hannity as saying:

“I have a question, can you still buy a Jay Z CD at Walmart? Does the music department at Sears have any Ludacris albums? Can I download… Fiddy [sic] Cent on Amazon, can I do that? Can I get some Snoop Dogg albums on eBay? Why do I say that? Because a lot of music by those artists are chock-full of the n-word. And the b-word. And the h-word.”

He also blames President Obama, citing that Jay Z and Beyonce have been to the White House an alleged “thousands of times.”

Meanwhile, many other conservatives have taken on the opposite side of the debate, saying the flag should be placed in a museum and not on the poles of state buildings.

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