Rudy Giuliani repeatedly grabs female TV reporter during pre-debate interview

Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani grabbed CNN reporter Erin Burnett’s wrist – and bizarrely left his hand there for almost 30 seconds during a spin room interview ahead of Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Giuliani, who’s become one of Donald Trump’s most aggressive surrogates, went for the wrist grab during a heated discussion with businessman Mark Cuban about Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.
Burnett appeared flabbergasted as Giuliani kept his hand on her wrist while talking to Cuban about the meaning of the word “classified.

Later in the interview, Giuliani defended Trump against recent accusations of sexual assault.
"I know men who are touchy-feely," he said. "I know men who sometimes seem to act i
nappropriately in the way they touch or handle women. I don't like it but Donald Trump is not one of them."
But the Twitter-verse wouldn't have it.
Some noted that the ex-mayor seemed to be engaging in a degrading act of mansplaining.
"Perfect example of not-so-subtle ways men silence/shush women while they talk," a Twitter user said.
Giuliani’s arguably inappropriate touching comes as Trump is under fire for having allegedly sexually assaulted at least 11 women. The numerous sexual assault allegations against the Republican nominee coincided with the release of a 2005 hot-mic recording, which caught Trump bragging about being able to “grab (women) by the p---y” because he’s “a star.”