How Did Steve Stephens Killed Over 14 People But The Love Ones Haven't Come Forward? Government

ok so there is many things wrong with this story. Steve Stephens went on a killing spree but one one family spoke up and this is the same 1 killing we all saw on social media..

ok yall can now stop looking for this car cause like most knows if this is a real story he already switched cars by now.

Facebook made the biggest mistake or covered the biggest fake story in the world by removing Steve Stephens Facebook account.
rumor is that this is a fake story to cover up the trump bombing in Seria
but if it isn't Facebook may have took the biggest L since PM Dawn Being thrown off the stage by krs1..

But on the flip side of this story Joy Lane has spoken up about it but her story is iffy.
the social media terrorists aka the watchers blame her for this event that has taken place in Cleveland ohio.
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