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Uncle Murda Talks ‘Don’t Come Outside Vol.2’ and Touring with Janet Jackson, 50 Cent and more
has been out touring the world hitting the same stage as Janet Jackson, 50 Cent and other stars. Now he is back and ready to release...

Rap Up Beef: Skillz Lashes Out, Uncle Murda Responds
After years of being trolled by Uncle Murda Skillz fiinally speaks up. #UncleMurda #Skillz

Aggressive Fan Get's a Chance To Twerk on Stage For Uncle Murda & 50 Cent After Being Punche
50 Cent retaliated hard against a fan who pulled him off stage during a rap concert Saturday ... punching the woman square in the chest....

Uncle Murda Warns Out of towner's To Check in All Star Weekend
Uncle Murda Interview at The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 #Kmichelle #billoriley #police #sugeknight #allstarweekend #unclemurda

Uncle Murda Talks NYPD Beef
Uncle Murda sits with Ebro and the crew to discuss his new video that is generating a lot of controversy. #unclemurda #nypdbeef
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