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Eminem Takes Shots at Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby and More in New Freestyle
As has been told countless times over the course of his massively successful career, Eminem came up in the ranks on the Detroit battle...

Bill Cosby Copped to Using Quaaludes and Sedatives on Women
Bill Cosby bought Quaaludes and used Benadryl to knock out at least one woman ... something he admitted during a deposition for the...

((LOL)) Marlon Wayans Calls Bill Cosby The Jack The Ripper of Rape
Watch comedian Marlon Wayan on Ebro In The Morning chat about Bill Cosby and more. Catch Marlon & Shawn Wayans at Caroline's on Broadway...

2014 Recap: The Howard Stern Show - Bill Cosby Discussions
The Howard Stern Show - Bill Cosby Discussions #howardstern #billcosby

Kathie Lee Gifford Claims Bill Cosby Tried to Kiss Her But She Told Him “No!”
Talk show maven Kathie Lee Gifford, who has defended funny man Bill Cosby (pictured) amidst the tempest of sexual assault allegations...
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